Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Inside Yogya and the Solo Soul

I got an image from my four days trip to Yogyakarta-Solo (Central Java, Indonesia) some time last month, being post to a jpgmag.com theme of Bird's Eye. This image was the only shot that was taken from above, whilst exploring 15mm FishEye lens on human interest subject. An old lady selling rice-with-egg, in a banana tree leaves, in front of one of the entrance gates of local market Klewer, Solo, Central Java. Yes, Indonesia. Tried to link the picture here, should be shown in the frontpage of my blog (i wish i can link this).
Also, I have posted in my multiply account a complete 24 set of pictures of the first part of the trip: Inside Yogya (www.epurwoko.multiply.com). It was about the regular people of Yogya on their regular activity in regular places, mostly local-original market. The second part of the trip, the Soul of Solo, will also be posted at the same site, once i am done with self selection of the pictures.
Just want to share it with more people.